Saturday 8 June 2024


People say Age is just a number 

But i dont want to belittle it 

by just enumerating some numbers . 

Age is knowledge 

Which everyone has to gain

Age is experiences

Every one is born without it hence one has to go through as one goes ahead in life 

Age is maturity 

Every one has to develop it 

Age is struggle 

Every one has to do it one way or other way

Age is learning 

Which happens of everyone somehow someway 

Age is curiosity 

Which is  very difficult to maintain at every phase of life 

Age is a milestone 

Every one achieves it 

without any other achievement happened or not in life 

Age is fire 

Which  burns inside everyone everyday 

Until finally it will extinguish 

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People say Age is just a number  But i dont want to belittle it  by just enumerating some numbers .  Age is knowledge  Which everyone has to...