Learn ,Unlearn n Relearn
Sometimes We feel why this exploitation, bias, prejudice, injustice,discrimination can't be ended,abolished,discarded,annihilated.
But we have to give a careful look at life practice. Immediately after birth our learning starts knowingly or unknowingly whether we desire or require it or not .we should understand here that teachings don't come only from individuals but environment, surroundings also teach us and it starts to reflect in our behavior and in mindset.
Some call it teachings but at certain age we feel and understand that it is conditioning that we have been going through since birth that makes us what we are today,how we behave ,act ,feel ,express .
Then we start to ponder upon it ,try to observe and analyse and comes at conclusion that we should go under some kind of unlearning.
But point raised here is whether unlearning is enough ,sufficient to end the so called practice that generates due to conditioning of few years when we take into consideration individual,but in case of society practice is been exist for ages.
So in the end we understand that unlearning is not enough,it just removes layers of conditioning but it does not help to rejuvenate our ethos what we actually want to do.
So what can we do ?
Here comes the role of relearning - active conscious learning without influence of individuals and surroundings with one's actual desire to move on in particular direction to overcome the all current life practice to develop a behavior which percolate in society over a certain period of time which ultimately become a culture.
( Images : from Google )
Sometimes We feel why this exploitation, bias, prejudice, injustice,discrimination can't be ended,abolished,discarded,annihilated.
But we have to give a careful look at life practice. Immediately after birth our learning starts knowingly or unknowingly whether we desire or require it or not .we should understand here that teachings don't come only from individuals but environment, surroundings also teach us and it starts to reflect in our behavior and in mindset.
Some call it teachings but at certain age we feel and understand that it is conditioning that we have been going through since birth that makes us what we are today,how we behave ,act ,feel ,express .
Then we start to ponder upon it ,try to observe and analyse and comes at conclusion that we should go under some kind of unlearning.
But point raised here is whether unlearning is enough ,sufficient to end the so called practice that generates due to conditioning of few years when we take into consideration individual,but in case of society practice is been exist for ages.
So in the end we understand that unlearning is not enough,it just removes layers of conditioning but it does not help to rejuvenate our ethos what we actually want to do.
So what can we do ?
Here comes the role of relearning - active conscious learning without influence of individuals and surroundings with one's actual desire to move on in particular direction to overcome the all current life practice to develop a behavior which percolate in society over a certain period of time which ultimately become a culture.
( Images : from Google )